Tuesday, November 12, 2013

 "When I die someday far in the future, you may touch my tools.
If you wish to die today, then you may touch them now." - Gary Rogows

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first.
Mark Twain

The things I make may be for others, but how I make them is for me.
                                                   - Tony Konovaloff

Tage Frid Woodworker And Danish-Modern Designer

In commenting once on the state of craftsmanship in the United States, Mr. Frid wrote a fitting epitaph for himself: "In Europe, craftsmen enjoy the recognition they deserve. Here, an effort should be made to put more respect into vocational training. A student taking vocational training may be just as intelligent as a student enrolled in a college program. The only difference is the student has a different goal. I think it is better to be a good craftsman and happy than to be a doctor or lawyer and unhappy, just to satisfy Mom and Dad." 
Tage Frid


"But take a piece of wood, plane, sand and oil it, and you will find it is a beautiful thing. The more you do to it from then on, the more chance that you will make it worse".   
Tage Frid  (1915-2004)
Happiness is wood chips flying!