In commenting once on the state of craftsmanship in the
United States, Mr. Frid wrote a fitting epitaph for himself: "In Europe,
craftsmen enjoy the recognition they deserve. Here, an effort should be made to
put more respect into vocational training. A student taking vocational training
may be just as intelligent as a student enrolled in a college program. The only
difference is the student has a different goal. I think it is better to be a
good craftsman and happy than to be a doctor or lawyer and unhappy, just to
satisfy Mom and Dad."
"But take a piece of wood, plane, sand and oil it, and you will find it is a beautiful thing. The more you do to it from then on, the more chance that you will make it worse". Tage Frid (1915-2004)
Happiness is wood chips flying!
Sunday, September 22, 2013
“If it bothers you that the chair is askew, just go to your local furniture store and look at chairs until you feel better.” – Brian Boggs
“‘… It’s not that there’s not a demand for fine woodworking – it’s that there’s a demand for fine woodworking with imagination. The things that are considered classic now weren’t classic when they were conceived, they were innovative and imaginative. The first Windsor chair was a work of art. The 2,000th was just a copy.’” – Victor Di Novi